Tell a story about Vivian

Your Story:
I was at NPSIA from 1996-98, and I fondly remember her kindness, her immense capacity for helping others, her resourcefulness, her sharp wit, and her amazing memory.  She was able, close to ten years after I graduated, remember me on sight, and remember details of my career and what I studied.  Truly remarkable, given the number of students who passed through the resource centre during the intervening years.

Added: April 18, 2011
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I am so sorry to hear this shocking news. I was a NPSIA student from China between Jan. 1993-Sept. 1994 and working at the resource center during that period. I can still remember Vivian's smiles and talking, her teaching me how to complete all kinds of miscellaneous jobs for books, documents, and photocopied reading materials at the resource center. It was a wonderful experience for my short-than-2-year stay in Canada over 16 year ago. I guess all the students from NPSIA have shared her compassion, optimism, and sense of responsibility.
Though I cannot attend the celebration by myself, please pass this piece of deepest and heartfelt condolesence to her husband and her family from across the Pacific.
Thanks and best regards,
Shen, Tao

Added: April 18, 2011
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Vivian was really one of the pillars of NPSIA. When I first went to Sri Lanka with WUSC, her husband Patrick got an assignment there and I was able to meet up with Patrick & Vivian. She was a very positive and constructive influence for us as students and also for the difficult challenges that come with working in the development field.
Mary Heather White

Added: April 18, 2011
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What a sad news to get she was a great communicator and very kind. It is a big loss for the NPSIA community. really a sad day.

Added: April 18, 2011
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Your Story:
Vivian was my first and most enduring friend at NPSIA back in the Summer of 1985.  The resource centre under her management was such a great spot, and she was a friend to me and many other students struggling to master their studies.  Her support and kindness were important factors in the success of many students.  Since then, I have kept in touch with Vivian and she was always the same warm person.  She touched many lives over the years and many will feel the loss of her passing.

Added: April 18, 2011
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Dear Alison,

I knew Vivian in Montreal when our children were small. I remember her as forthright, ingenious and kind. What a terrible loss!

Karin Doerr

Added: April 17, 2011
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Oh Patrick, I am so so sorry. I am terrible at expressing my feelings in the moments of sadness like these, so I am not even going to try. I only saw Vivian once, but she will live through some of the stories that you shared with me. I don't exactly believe in God, so there won't be any praying involved, but I will think of her in my own way.

Stay strong Patrick.


Added: April 17, 2011
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Hi Patrick

I have just come from the moving celebration of Vivian's life. I felt the same warmth and specialness from Vivian as others spoke of.  I wanted to add to the list of memories that Vivian's use of her personal network is what connected me with Janet Perry and helped me to get my first job in literacy and development with CODE.  Since I was working as a teacher and the mom of 2 young kids while I went to school, I couldn't do an internship - it didn't stop Vivian from finding me a perfect fit for my life situation, a virtual internship.  The trust she placed in me by bringing me into her network boosted my confidence 10 fold. I also remember meeting with Kate in person at your home, with my husband in tow.

We had lived in Malawi a few years before and so we had lots of stories to share. That Vivian would so openly include me in her life was a most touching gift to me.

As I drove home weeping the tears I felt I could finally let go, I promised myself to live my life more like she did.

Thank you for having the event at NPSIA and for letting us share our appreciation of Vivian.

Best regards

Added: April 17, 2011
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It has been my pleasure to know Vivian and Patrick and their remarkable and expanding family since 1970. From Montreal, to Africa, to Ottawa the friendship between our families woven together with countless laughs, stories, discussions and beers. Vivian was the heart of so many warm gatherings from her family birthday barbeques, to the impromtu suppers, to the best take-out from the local Indian place. Her generosity and kindness, her intellect and ethics, together with a huge reservoir of good old common sense always spurred me to want to be better. Vivian was a wonderful woman, the best really. For her mother, her brothers, her Patrick and her lovely children and grandchildren my deepest sympathies. She will be greatly missed.

Added: April 16, 2011
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Your Story:
Vivian was instrumental in helping me survive my first (and only) semester at grad school without my own computer. I'd lived at home throughout my undergraduate degree, and had always had access to the home computer. Moving to Ottawa to pursue my studies, I figured I'd get by using the computers on campus - not realizing that I'd soon practically be living there.

Vivian quickly picked up on my situation, and kindly offered a set of keys to the resource centre and computer lab so that I could get some rest when I was up far too late working. I don't know how I would have gotten through the semester without her help, and will always be grateful for her helpful nature and resourcefulness.

Thinking about it now, I just realized that the career mailing list she managed is what introduced me to both of the positions I've had since graduating. Her work did so much to help students learn and succeed.

I was so shocked and saddened to hear of Vivian's sudden passing. She always seemed so solid, and was still so young. I know that she is loved and will be missed by many. I know that I'll never forget her, and will always remember her with respect and appreciation.

Added: April 16, 2011
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