Tell a story about Vivian

Your Story:
My codolences to the whole family and especially to my friend Alison, that I have known since College. Alison, I am sorry for your loss. By reading some of these stories about your Mom, that I unfortunatly never had a chance to meet, I can see you shared a lot of traits.

God bless,


Added: April 16, 2011
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Your Story:
Vivian loved libraries more than any librarian we know. She was devoted to Libraries and she gave libraries her all.

Condolences to the Family. May she rest in perfect peace!

Added: April 16, 2011
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She was a very nice lady and she taught me how to make up really good kebabs.

I still remember when we all went the River at the edge of the Plateau and had a great day. I can picture it still and remember the fish gnawing my feet

Condolences to all the family

Added: April 16, 2011
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Your Story:
I mostly knew Vivian as a mother. And what a mother. She raised five children to be authentic individuals. Vivian nurtured the natural character of each child, creating five distinct and strong adults. This is a rare and difficult thing. Scientists call it full utilization, where each citizen can make the best use of his or her natural character. On a societal level, it is an unachievable dream. But in Vivian’s family, it is just normal.

Added: April 16, 2011
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I think of Vivian every Thanksgiving, when I pull out the platter we received as a wedding gift. I still have the card she wrote: “When Steven asked “Didn’t you get them a toaster?”, I realized how I had missed the opportunity for a perfect wedding gift. Hope these will get some use anyway.” And of course they have, practical as they are.

My sister Adrienne fondly remembers that Vivian was her number one supporter when she hosted family reunions, and appreciated that Vivian also valued the importance of bringing family together. She especially liked hearing about how our parents and Pat and Vivian had escaped back to their camp to during one of these reunions and were laughing so hard that dogs around the lake started barking.

Vivian was one of a kind. Kind, non-judgmental, thoughtful. We will miss her very much. We already do.

Added: April 16, 2011
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Vivian thank you for sharing so many great moments in my life. You are a very special angel!
Sending blessings and condolences to all Vivian´s family.
Miriam Michán

Added: April 16, 2011
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My sincere condolences to the Cummins family. Vivian and family were a great part of our youth growing up in Montreal. Pat taught me to ride a bike. I recall Vivian always being welcoming and teaching us important values in her soft spoken voice. She was fair and had a warm soft touch with a certain sincerity and a purpose to make us better human beings. Vivian was a great role-model for young children like oursleves.

I was shocked to hear of Vivian`s passing. I guess we part with certain images of our youth when we pursue our own life journeys and forget that time passes on and the reality of our mortality confronts us when we least expect it.

Ben and Indira

Added: April 15, 2011
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What sad and unexpected news about Vivian.  It scarecely to be believed, because no one as you mention knew she was ill.

You will all no doubt remember that I replaced Vivian at the Teacher Resource Centre way back in the 1980s when I ended up in Jos with CUSO.

I remember her as being  un-flappable, highly competent and so generous showing me the procedures, explaining her own invented classification system and making me feel at home in a totally unfamiliar environment.

And I remember such warm family gatherings along with friends out at your place - which was way far out - I've forgotten in which direction.  She was a welcoming hostess and a good cook if I recall correctly.

In sadness but treasuring happy memories - Molly Walsh

Added: April 15, 2011
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It's a very long time since I saw Vivian in person (Jos, Nigeria, sometime in 1980) but we exchanged Christmas cards and letters each year and she often included photos of her family. I shall miss hearing her news which was always written in a warm and humorous way. And as a fellow librarian (I was working at the University of Jos Library) I feel sure that her death will mean a great loss to the profession.

My condolences to everyone in the Cummins family.

Added: April 15, 2011
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Viv was always ready to enjoy herself. She even laughed at my jokes.
I expected her to live to be 100. She was always so healthy. I met her
when she began dating Pat and attended their wedding. We were
neighbors many years in Montreal, when our children were young
and playing together.. Later on, I married her brother-in-law, Tom,
We met at family parties and shared our news and views. It was
always fun. She was one of my oldest friends. It's a shock to know
she won't be with us any more. My love to all her family, Norma

Added: April 15, 2011
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